Tuesday, November 22, 2016

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Regularly updated news of the financial markets, the economic calendar of events and all types of market analytics provide our Forex clients access to the latest information they need to make the right decisions in their trading process. We also believe that beginning FX trader will have with us great opportunities to gain experience, deep knowledge together with risk-free trading on demo and free bonus accounts. This will bring them a big confidence and a wish to earn more by investing and opening our standard Forex accounts. PaxForex is determined to maintain the selected rate and increase the pace of development. We hope that this will help us to win the confidence of traders in new regions of the world and to hold our Forex market leadership. 5 October GBPUSD Fundamental Analysis October 5th 2016 Here are the key factors to keep in mind today for British Pound trades: UK BRC Shop Price Index: The UK BRC Shop Price Index for September decreased by 1.8 annualized. Forex traders can compare this to the UK BRC Shop Price Index August which decreased by 2.0 annualized. British Markit/CIPS Services PMI and Markit/CIPS Composite PMI: The British Markit/CIPS Services PMI for September is predicted at 52.2. Forex traders can compare this to the British Markit/CIPS Services PMI for August which was reported at 52.9. The British Markit/CIPS. 4 October Realistic Forex Trading Goals Forex trading is a long-term career path. It is unlikely to make you a millionaire overnight. In fact, you may lose some before you even begin making consistent returns from the market. Having realistic goals can be the key difference between success and failure in the trading business as well as in any personal and professional pursuit in life. However, goals can be tricky because people usually set them too high, out of the realm of what is realistically achievable in an acceptable amount of time. When making investments it is important. 4 October EURAUD Fundamental Analysis October 4th 2016 Here is the key factor to keep in mind today for Euro trades: Eurozone PPI: The Eurozone PPI for August is predicted to decrease by 0.1 monthly and by 2.1 annualized. Forex traders can compare this to the Eurozone PPI for July which increased by 0.1 monthly and which decreased by 2.8 annualized. Here are the key factors to keep in mind today for Australian Dollar trades: Australian ANZ Roy Morgan Weekly Consumer Confidence Index: The Australian ANZ Roy Morgan Weekly Consumer Confidence Index for the week of October 2nd was reported. FOREX Bank, filial af FOREX Bank AB, Sverige (formerly Forex Bank) Tracing its roots back to 1927, FOREX Bank started operating as a bank in 2003, and is currently a foreign exchange bureau in the Nordic region. Además de las divisas, FOREX Bank ofrece productos y servicios de banca minorista seleccionados (cuentas de ahorro, tarjetas de pago, préstamos a clientes y transferencias de dinero). FOREX Bank, filial af FOREX Bank AB, Sverige operates as a branch of FOREX Bank Aktiebolag (Sweden) . FOREX Bank, filial af FOREX Bank AB, Sverige participates in deposit guarantee scheme of Sweden. Este régimen cubre las cuentas hasta 100 000 EUR por banco por depositante. FOREX Bank, filial af FOREX Bank AB, Sverige is located in Kbenhavn K. Deposit Guarantee Deposit Guarantee Schemes compensate certain deposits held by depositors of a bank that becomes unable to meet its obligations. Todas las sucursales de bancos suecos que operan en el extranjero participan en el sistema de garantía de depósitos de Suecia. In the case of FOREX Bank, filial af FOREX Bank AB, Sverige failure, eligible depositors having covered accounts in this bank will be paid out the following compensation: private individuals, companies and other legal entities deposits in all types of accounts Maximum Protected Amount Paid In Currency ECB Minimum Reserves Requirements (MRR) Minimum reserves is the minimum amount of reserves a credit institution is required to hold with a central bank. Subject to MRR by ECB Exempt from MRR by ECB Bank Identifiers Any bank can be identified for different purposes and hence can have several different identifiers. MFI ID MFI ID (Monetary Financial Institution Identifier) is a code, unique to each institution in the MFI list provided by ECB (European Central Bank). MFI ID is hence applicable to MFIs resident in the European Union. The code is alphanumerical, with the first two digits representing the two-digit ISO code for the country of residence of the MFI and the remaining number of digits (no limit has been specified) is any combination of alphanumerical characters. MFI ID of FOREX Bank, filial af FOREX Bank AB, Sverige is shown in the table below. Company Registration Number Company Registration Number is a distinctive code issued upon registration of a new company. This code can be used to find data about the company in a national company register. Af forex Unlike years ago, trades today are transacted in milliseconds or faster and dispersed among many af forex centers. The concepts of. The launch will further extend Flrex Banks most liquid financial market in a simple and af forex way. Buyers and sellers move forez based on emotions (fear, greed, af forex, not on logic Market price may not reflect actual value Two men brought this form of a af forex to the attention of American traders and investors. 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